Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 106, Trevor B.-4th Grade Student

International Random Acts of Kindness Week

This week is International Random Act of Kindness Week - February 10th - 14th. It is true; you can google it!  I am a fourth grader at Cimarron Elementary in Mr. Baker’s class (shout out to Mr. Baker and my classmates – you rock!!!).  I am trying to raise awareness about Random Act of Kindness (RAK) week.  What’s that you ask?  Random Acts of Kindness are just that; ways we can be kind to each other and make the world a better place!

Some examples are:
Picking up trash, holding the door open for someone, and helping your teacher with the chairs. I have an idea for each day this week at Cimarron.  We will be showing appreciation to our teachers, parents, bus drivers, and custodians.  All of our bus riders will write notes to give to our bus drivers in the afternoon.  Our students will write thank you notes to custodians so we can make a display wall for our great custodial staff. 

Monday’s idea is simple.  I hope everyone participates and keeps doing it every day.  I challenge everyone to say “Hello” and “Have a good day” with a big smile to three people you don’t know. 
Let me start us off by saying to all of our CE blog readers “HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!”
Trevor Black (Your Local RAK Consultant)

P.S.  Remember smiles are contagious; pass them on!!

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