Oscar Celebration
Today we celebrated our non-fiction reading and writing units with Mrs. Clark’s and Mrs. McCarthy’s classes. In class, we have been writing non-fiction, or teaching, books and we have also been reading a lot of non-fiction books too. We have even had book clubs with non-fiction books. Since our unit was finished, today we had a big celebration.
At the celebration we got to strut our stuff on the red carpet and even strike a pose with our new trophy. Our teachers took pictures of us as we posed. The trophy said “2014 Best Non-Fiction Author” on it. Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered for us. Mrs. Bell even came to watch and congratulate us too. She walked the red carpet and did a funny pose too.

At the end of the celebration we got to get with a partner from the other class and read our non-fiction stories to each other. After that we shared questions and gave a compliment about the story. We liked encouraging each others writing.
This celebration was a blast! It was a fun way to show our reading and writing and how hard we have been working in class. Now we will always have our trophy to remind us what great authors we are.