Thursday, February 26, 2015

3rd Grade Team

Future Botanists At Work

In 3rd grade, students are using their observation skills to identify the structures (parts) of plants.  As they observe, they try to determine the function of each part.  We will be learning how the structures of plants and animals help them adapt and survive in specific environments.

“I noticed that the red part had spikes.  The spikes are to protect the plant from herbivores.”   -Braden

“We were observing how the green part of the plant was smooth.  We think that the green part helps the plant take in the sunlight and make its own food.”  -Leah

“Me and Julia were describing the plants.  We noticed that in the flowers there was a little bit of water.  We noticed that the stem had little hairs on it.”  -Vance

 “I think the leaves are for getting energy for the plant.  The flowers are bright to make the bees come.”  -Julia

1st Grade Team

What makes a Kite Fly?

In first grade we learned all about the weather and had an awesome visit from a meteorologist Britta Merwin from channel 2 come visit and speak to the kids about the weather. To explore one part of weather, air, we had an experiment. Kites were made and the kids went outside to test out the kite to find out what makes a kite fly? In the end the kids found out that air helps to keep the kite afloat. 

Sophia said, “Even though we cannot see air, it is all around us!” Jakob responded “This is so cool!” Our first graders loved it and had a blast experimenting and learning about the weather especially AIR!

Elizabeth Kratz, Counselor

No Place for Hate

As many of you know, we here at Cimarron Elementary, are members of The No Place for Hate organization. For our new family members, “The No Place for Hate® initiative provides educators and students with the resources to ensure that anti-bias and diversity education are an integral part of the school curriculum.  No Place for Hate® also helps to create and sustain inclusive school environments where all students feel valued and have the opportunity to succeed by promoting respect for individual difference while challenging bigotry and prejudice.”

This is the third year that Cimarron Elementary has participated in and continues the pledge to voice the anti-bias and diversity initiative. Here at CE were are promoting respect and differences for all students and staff members. This year our three goals are to have students change up who they play with at recess on Fridays. This helps remind children that when they meet new people, it is okay to be different. Different is the new black. In the fall we had a coloring contest to help promote against bullying and promote kindness in others. This spring, and going on right now, were are having another contest but using the words of our children to promote kindness and differences in the world. Our children have the opportunity to enter the contest with a poem, song or rap. The contest ends on Tuesday, February 24, 2015.

Here are a few words from our student committee members:
Kids are being positive towards and about others. T.B.
NPFH- It’s cool. Brings bullies to a stop. Brings everyone together as friends. K.F.

Everything is going great. People are taking part and coming up with great ideas. A.B.