Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Melissa Nored, Librarian

Read, Deed, & Run: Motivating Students to Serve

Read, Deed, & Run is a student organization for 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders. Originally created by Katy ISD teacher Courtney Calfee, the program is designed to motivate students to stretch themselves mentally and physically by reading 26 books or 2600 pages, run 26.2 miles, and perform 26 community service deeds over the course of the school year. This year there are 29 schools participating with over 1500 students! In May, all those students who have completed the program will take part in the Final Run, usually held at Rhoades Stadium.  It’s amazing to witness these determined students complete their final run and receive their finisher’s medal.

Cimarron has 32 students participating in this year’s program. We are about halfway through the program with 13 miles, 13 deeds, and 13 books under our belt. Students have enjoyed collecting and sorting newspapers for CAP (Houston’s own Citizens for Animal Protection), collecting crayons and coloring books for Texas Children’s Hospital, decorating water bottles for the Veterans’ Day celebrating, and making treat bags for teachers at our sister school, Alexander Elementary, among other deeds.

One of our most memorable activities was putting together Christmas gifts for children in Zambia for the Magi Box program through Healing Hands International. This program distributes boxes to needy children in various countries throughout the world. For our Cimarron students, this was a unique occasion to reach beyond their local community and serve others halfway around the world. Healing Hands asks that each box includes soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, socks, and underwear. This project also provided an opportunity to discuss with our students and bring home the realization that there are children, in Zambia as well as closer to home, who need the most basic items, and remind them that we are in a position to help.

Read, Deed, & Run provides many of these opportunities, and our students and their parents are discovering new ways of serving and becoming healthier. I believe RDR helps build our students’ stamina and perseverance as well as foster a love for keeping our minds and bodies healthy and serving others. 

I’m proud to assist in the program and work with these wonderful students.  Here are some of their comments about the program:

“I really like the magi boxes because we are getting to send them to a place that doesn’t really have a lot of stuff. I like how we got to fill it with stuff we picked.”         ~Jaeden R.

“I love when we did the magi boxes because I love to help people and especially to deco rad for Christmas! And we give it to people who need it more than me. I also like to run – that’s what I love to do.”                                                                                       ~David G.

“Read, Deed, and Run is the most fun program I’ve joined. You do fun deeds. And you can run with your friends. I love Read, Deed, & Run.”                                       
~Jacob V.

“Read, Deed, and Run is great. It is great cause you get to help people in need. We just did a program that is called Healing Hands. We got some boxes and send them to people that do not get things on Christmas. We fill the boxes with coloring books, toothpaste, and stuff like that.”                                                                                 ~Hope A. 

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