Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jo Harmon, 5th Grade Teacher

5th Grade Poets

Fifth grade students spent several weeks reading and writing poetry.   Various forms of poetry were presented and students were challenged to write these forms. Students spent several days identifying figurative language and were expected to use figurative language in their poems. Students completed their poetry unit by writing poems on a given picture or metaphor.  We would like to share some poems that students wrote.

By Allyson

Birds full of life
graceful in the open sky
smart as a fox
flying everywhere doesn’t know where to stop

fly like a bird be graceful in the sky


The Girl
There once was a girl
Who loved to twirl
She ripped her dress
And looked like a mess
She thought she was about to hurl

By Jeremy
Heaven is afterlife, of the rest of eternity in happiness.
It’s everything you’ve wanted to do while living. It’s the
best place for your afterlife. So pray and keep achieving to

Like a Bird
By Taylor

Fly like a bird, because life is like one.
You can choose what you do in your
Life, so be like a bird and fly away to
Your destination.

If you’re locked in a cage and want
To get out, fly like a bird, without a
Moment’s hesitation.

Be free like a bird and soar through the sky,
Be free don’t let anyone clip your
Wings ever.

No More Darkness
By Brooke

In a dark house far away,
there were no children there to play.
Not even for a day.

How beautiful the land was.
Artist came from miles around to paint
Pictures of the valley and river,
Because it was so beautiful.

No one knows why he never
came out of the house.
Until the outside came inside
Saying no more darkness, not ever,
Not anymore.


The Outside World
By Brian

C’mon on out, come outside,
that tiny hole won’t help.
Open the door, so I can come in.
Watching T.V. will not educate you
Please open the iron doors.
I must show you the outside world.
Super Mario and Call of Duty
Are not the only worlds.
Stop eating pizza
And sleeping like a cat.
Come run and play
On a day like this
And visit the outside world.