Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kaylynn, 1st Grade Student

Junie B Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth

By: Kaylynn V.

She is so mean. She said, "you better make your baby stop crying!" Sometimes she is but very rarely. Have you read this book? Make lots of sticky notes!  I love this book!

I wrote 30 sticky notes with things that I learned from the book. I wrote parts that I loved. I made predictions. I asked questions. I found exciting parts. I made connections. I found important parts. I liked writing all my thoughts. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mansata, 1st Grade Student

Green Eggs and Ham

My favorite Dr. Seuss book is  green  eggs  and  ham because it  reminds me of when  I  ate it  and it was  so  delicious  and  I  wanted   to  eat  it  every  day. I   will never forget what I ate. It also  taught  me  that if you   never tried  it  don`t  say I  don`t like it, just  try  and  see  if   you like it or  not.

-Mansata (1st grade- Mrs. McCarthy)

3rd Grade Team

Fractured Fairytales

This past unit in Language we discussed Fairytales. We taught the students about the structure and elements included in fairytales and we even looked at Fractured Fairytales… which is my favorite! The students worked really hard to write either a fairytale or a Fractured Fairytale using all of the mentor texts we introduced and of course their IMAGINIATION