Friday, December 4, 2015

Alex, 4th Grade Student

Sound Energy

Before Thanksgiving break, 4th grade students completed projects to demonstrate their understanding of the different types of energy. We had some amazing projects including puppet shows, power points, and game boards.

Alex, from Ms. Helmcamp’s homeroom, wrote this piece about her project about sound.

Sound is made when something vibrates or moves back and forth quickly. The vibrations of the sound you are making travels through the air in waves. Volume is how loud or soft something is.

The waves of loud sounds have a lot of energy and they can travel pretty far. The waves of softer sounds have less energy and they don’t really travel that far. Sound travels in longitudinal waves. Humans can hear sounds from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second.

Here are some vocabulary words to know:
Pitch- how high or low a sound id
Amplitude – the measure of a sound wave
Echo – a reflection of sound

Sonic Boom – A shock that consists of compressed sound waves created when something moves

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