Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 21, Amanda Fait-Kindergarten Teacher

Ewww! Germs!

Today in the wonderful world of Kindergarten we explored germs. 

We started by watching what happened to the germs (confetti) when Miss Fait didn't cover her nose (balloon) to sneeze and then watched what happened to the germs (confetti) when Miss did cover her nose (balloon) with a tissue.

Miss Fait shook hands with students. Unfortunately she didn't wash her hands because she spread germs (glitter) everywhere she touched. Students who touched other things spread the germs as well.

Those germs made us sad because germs can make us sick but don't worry, our class came up with a way to turn our frowns upside down! We washed our hands and were then germ free!

Our little scientists are excited to see the long term effects of germs so we set up an experiment to monitor them over the next couple weeks. We will watch our "control" bread, our bread touched with clean hands, and our bread touched with dirty hands. We will see if our predictions are correct!

From the mouths of Kindergartners...
"When you get your hands dirty, you have to wash them." – Zoey

"Sneeze in your elbow." – Luke

"Don’t touch your food when your hands our dirty because they will get into your mouth and you will get sick." – Lee

"Don’t touch your eyes, your mouth, your nose, and your ears when you have dirty hands or have germs on your hands." – Sam

"There are different germs." – Yaneliz

"Germs are everywhere." – Luke

"Germs are small. No one sees them because they are too tiny. You see them with a magnifying glass."  – William

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