Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 167-Candace Clark-1st Grade Teacher

Future Poets and They Didn't Know It!

In 1st grade we are studying poetry in both reading and writing. The students have loved reading poems by both famous and unknown poets. They have also really loved writing their own poetry. Here is a sample of some 1st grade poetry.
Read Everyday
Poet: Alia
Read every day,
Read every night,
Don’t stop until you get it all right,
Read at the pool,
And at school,
Don’t stop reading even if you get it.

The Girl That Dreamed Big
Poet: Gracie
There was a girl that dreamed big,
There was a boy that said genius,
There was a girl who dreamed for money,
There was a boy who said, “Will you buy me a bunny?”
She said, “No Way!”
And went off to say,
“I wouldn’t buy you something any way!”
There was a boy who said, “Please!”
She said, “No, I think I’ll keep my money!”

A Friend to Have
Poet: Victoria
A beautiful, shiny day,
With a fun friend to play with,
But I looked for her everywhere!
Under the cabinets,
Under the bed,
In the closet,
And on my head!
But when I said,
“A shiny day with no one to play with.”
My kitty came running,
Calling “meow, meow, meow!”
A fun friend!

The Beach
Poet: Aidan
The beach is fun,
With treasure everywhere.
The beach is fun,
With seashells, buckets and shovels.
The beach is the best place to have a summer vacation,
I hope you know its location!
Then we go home to take a snooze,
Then it’s another day,

A day for the beach!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 161, Mrs. Bell, Principal

Inspiring Imagination Teacher Grants

The Katy ISD Education Foundation and Cimarron Elementary School are making history together. Foundation board members will visit 26 Katy ISD campuses and award $209,599
to Katy ISD teachers for Inspiring Imagination grants.
Congratulations to:

Tami Boltz for the grant
A World of Music at Your Fingertips!

Lori Davies for the grant
Engagement, Collaboration, Community – Connecting Science and Social Studies
to the World Through Project-Based Learning

Kimberly McDonald, Audrey Dowling, Amanda Fait, Jennifer Gurney and Janice Scharr for the grant
Kindergarten Project Based Learning Adventure

Melissa Nored, Mayte Dilla, Jo Harmon and Tracy Nath for the grant
Classic Literature, Modern Delivers: Using Technology to Motivate
Digital Learners to Read Timeless Children’s Books

The total amount awarded to Cimarron Elementary School is $10,200.
Teachers will be implementing their grant programs during the 2014-15 school year.
Watch for their stories, and more, in the coming year.

About the Katy ISD Education Foundation - The Katy ISD Education Foundation unites people and companies with big hearts and a big belief in our children and teachers to provide unprecedented opportunities for both. For more information on how to contribute to grants that will help extraordinary teachers create extraordinary classroom experiences visit, www.katyisdeducationfoundation.org. The Katy ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for which contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 160, Christian-5th Grade Student

Sled Hockey-It's a real sport!

I chose to research the sled used in sled hockey for my inventor project in science class. I chose sled hockey because I saw it on the Paralympics and found it so fascinating that I wanted to know more. I kept running into dead ends. I asked my teacher for help and together we found a website called Mobility Sports. There wasn't much on the website so my teacher said let’s email and see what happens.

What happened was way cool-the owner emailed Ms. Monroe right away and within an hour I was on the phone with the owner, Randy Kwapis. During our 30 minute conversation, Mr. Kwapis told me why his company makes the sleds, gave me contact information for the Austin Blades Sled Hockey team, and gave me his personal story. Since that conversation, Ms. Monroe has emailed him again for other bits of information for my project.

I never imagined that I would be able to speak to the owner of a company that makes sleds for sled hockey. Also, I never thought he would be so easy to talk to. This has to be at the top of my list of cool experiences. 

Day 159, Armand-1st Grade Student

Reader's Theater

For a week we have been practicing reader’s theater in our 1st grade class. Our class has 3 different plays that we are performing. I am in “The Very Cranky Bear” and I play the lion who loves his golden mane. We have made masks for our characters and talked about using a loud performing voice and reading our lines fluently so that everyone can understand the play. We practiced a lot and today we performed for a kindergarten class. I was a little nervous to perform at first, but then I got over my fear and had a lot of fun. The kindergarten class loved all three plays and they were a great audience. I really liked doing reader’s theater and I hope to do it again soon. 

Day 158, Lilly and Holden, 1st Grade

1st Grade Chicks  

The chicks in our class are Barred Plymouth Rock breed.  17 eggs have hatched.  They gave us 24 eggs.  When they hatched they were wet.  When they dried they were bright yellow and black. 

The picture shows the 2 chicks in our room.  The bear is for the chicks to peck and it is just like a mother.  The marbles in the water are so they go and drink the water.  The lids are so we can put food and water out  for them.   The red dots in the box are there so the chicks will peck the dots and not each other.

Their names are Peep and Cheep.  Peep is the smaller chick with yellow on his head and Cheep is the larger chick who chirps a lot.   The video shows 
the chicks in their box.