Celebrating 100 Days of Learning
Tuesday, February 2nd marked the 100th
day of the school year! The number 100 is a very important number in our number
system and in kindergarten the students learn that 10 groups of 10 make 100! The whole day was dedicated to the number 100
where students wrote about, played games with it, and counted to it!
The adventure started at home, where students
created shirts with their parents of 100 items!
“How I made my shirt is glue lots of (googly) eyes.
After a while we counted over and over.” –Chase
“When I made my shirt with my mom I made
fingerprints. We made our family. It had a 100 thumbprints.” - Joseph
And what’s a celebration without creating a crown to
celebrate being 100 days smarter?!?!
"I liked making a crown! It was fun!" -Ziya
Our students not only exercised their brains, but
showed their strength and endurance by doing 100 exercises!
“It was fun and we had to do squats and jumps. It
made me tired.” -Colby
The day was filled with counting to 100 by ones,
fives and tens!
“I was excited because on the 100th day
of school you do lots of cool stuff and lots of activities.”- Carys
Mrs. Yezak-McDonald’s class voted the number search
as “Best 100th Day Activity Ever”. The teachers placed stickers with
all the numbers from 1 to 100 around the room. Students had to search for them
and color them in on a 100 chart when they found them.
“It was really hard because Mrs. M hid one on her
arm and she hid the 100 sticker behind a bookshelf.” –Berlyn
During Writing Workshop, students created a book
based on 100 things that they wanted and didn’t want.
“I liked when I said I wish I had 100 donuts.”
Students created at their own trail mix by group ten
different snacks into groups of ten!
“I loved the 100th day trail mix. It was yummy and
fun!” - Maci
“We made a chart. We put the all the things we
learned on it like, ‘I know how encourage a buddy reader. And I know how to put
spaces in my writing.’ –Kylie
Why do we put so much emphasis on 100?
The number 100 is an important anchor number.
Understanding the concept of 100 helps students with their number sense and
place value. As for the hundreds
chart, it allows for the discovery of patterns and relationships between
numbers and can be a valuable reinforcement tool for many math concepts. The
main focus is to assist students to visualize the patterns in the hundreds
chart, which will improve their ability to calculate mentally. While initially
students may need to see a chart, ultimately they will visualize the patterns
and solve problems without reference to the chart.
Plus… as you can see.
It’s so engaging and fun for the students while they learn!