Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 30-Deirdre Chavez, 3rd Grade Teacher

The Little Engine That Could

Reading was never easy for me growing up.  I can remember teachers telling me that I was again in the “earthworm” reading group.  I longed to part of the redbird or even the bluebird group so that I could soar through books.  Almost daily, I would come home in those early years and cry to my mother that I was not ever going to be a good reader.  She also felt lost in how to help me become a good reader. She asked neighbors and teachers how to help me and they continuously told her to read aloud to me. 

After hearing The Little Engine That Could for the 5ooth time, I started to read on my own.  The memories of the love and encouragement given by my mother continues to encourage me today. 

When Regina, our reading instructional coach, came to me and asked for 3rd grade to have our students create a reading timeline, I jumped (OK… hopped!) at the chance.  We sent home directions and paper for our students to create their own reading timeline of memories.  Below are some of the memories and quotes from their childhood memories. I hope that in the future, I become a spot on their timeline.

AJ-I love reading!  When my mom was pregnant with me, she started reading to me.  It was a cow book.  I don’t remember the name, but I still have it.  Sometimes characters come alive to me and I feel like saying ‘hi’ and then they say ‘hi’ right back!”
AJ's Reading Timeline

Jakob-“I like to read.  Right now, I am reading The Perfect Present.  It is a chapter book.  Sometimes reading makes me feel tired.  I like when I get so excited about reading that I can’t put the book down!”

Jakob's Reading Timeline

Hope-“Sometimes I like to make text-to-self connections when I read.  Books make me smarter. I love non-fiction books especially about horses.  When I learn something in a book about horses, I can use what I learned in my riding lessons.”
Hope's Reading Timeline

Aimee-Just in Case You Ever Wonder was the first book my mom read to me.  Now I can read it on my own.  Reading makes me feel like I am in part of the book.  It relaxes me.”
Aimee's Reading Timeline

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