Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day 36, Leslee Salomone, 2nd Grade Teacher

 Mystery Snow Invades Second Grade at Cimarron!

Today, at approximately  9:25 AM, a freakish, out of the ordinary snow storm, took the second graders by surprise.  No one expected this to occur since we are still in the season of fall. It was about 85 degrees outside and Texas hardly ever gets snow!!!

This week in Science, second grade is studying the four seasons of the year as part of our Patterns of Change unit. I had taken a poll, and most of my students had not seen, felt, or had any idea about snow.  So I decided we would have some fun while learning.

 I  displayed  a trash can, 2 measuring spoons, and a bottle of water in front of the class along with a mystery baggie containing the mixture we were going to use.  I reminded students they would need their coats and sweaters because we would be going outside for part of Science. Some students did remind me,"Ummm- Mrs. Salomone, it's like 80 degrees, are you sure we need a jacket?" I replied yes because there was a major event happening at 9:25.

The class came in all a buzz about this major event and having to wear jackets when the thermometer read 80 degrees.  Ms. Nguyen had made a PowerPoint on WINTER-  our first season to study. As we went through the PowerPoint, students were beginning to watch the clock. We discussed activities you can do in winter, I even told them about activities from my childhood days when it snowed (sleigh riding, making forts, making snow ice cream, etc...)  We talked about traveling in the snow because cars might slip and slide into ditches. Then,we discussed the types of clothes you wear and it was at that point that they made the connection to why I had asked them to wear their jackets. It it hit them like a snowball!  They were so excited and full of eagerness.

I told them we would line up, go outside and MAKE SNOW!!! Squeals of joy, laughter and smiles were hard to contain.   We went out, got into a large circle. I poured in about 4 scoops of the snow mixture ( even though it said 1 scoop to two ouces. of water) and about a cup of water. I sloshed the can and the students gathered around. Right before them, they saw the snow double in size. All wanted a chance to feel, smell, and have the snow in their hands! I made enough for each student to get a handful and on the count of three, we all through the snow in the air. One student even tried to make a snow angel!

I thoroughly LOVED doing this with my students! So many have never felt or seen snow.

Some questions asked:
" Is snow always this temperature--cool?"
" Is snow always this light?"
"Can we eat this?"

Student Comments:

Brayden-"FUN- feels like real snow."
Jared-" Could NOT wait!"
Aliana-"So happy".
Mason-"It was moist and soft. I liked making snow"
Aidan-" I was surprised! It was heavier than regular snow!"
Kyle-"It felt like regular snow."
Spring and Isaiah" I liked when we threw it up in the air, it felt like winter!"
Leah-"Excited! It reminds me of something when I went to play in the snow."
Jordan-"I am happy!"
Landon-"I felt excited!"

This was the most fun I have had teaching a lesson on the seasons.


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